Zur Info :slight_smile:


Dear Users,
An update 3.601 was just released. It is meant to prepare system for future update to version 4.X.

If “System temporarily unavailable” text will appear during update, please wait - you will be redirected to the main page when all services start.

Mobile apps fully working with this version:

  • iPhone app - version 2.1.1 (available on the App Store),
  • Android phones app - version 1.3 (available on the Google Play),
  • iPad app - version 1.2 (available on the App Store).
    and later.


  • Prepares Home Center system working under version 3.x to be able to upgrade to 4.x

Ich wollte mein Hcl auf version 3.601 aktualisieren. Leider ist nach dem neustart nach stundenlangem hängen immer noch die alte version3.594 aud dem Hcl.
Klappts bei euch, oder habt ihr einen Tipp.