Die neue Version 4.040 ist draußen.
New Features:
Device adding from iPhone/Android Phone application (requires newest app and 4.040)
Resolved Issues:
Satel support
Slow communication between mobile apps and Home Center
No icons on mobile devices
Impossible to control Linear Dimmer
Magic Scenes conditions for Dimmer
Alarm Fibaro - not showing time to arm when arm delayed
Polling - please check your configuration.
#0003027: Z-Wave</b> ist ein drahtloser Kommunikations-Standard, welcher von der Firma Sigma Designs und der Z-Wave Alliance für die Hausautomatisierung entwickelt wurde.<br /><br />Z-Wave kann einzelne elektrische Funktionen im haus verbinden wie zum beispiel Licht, Klimaanlage, Heizung sowie Entertainment und Sicherheitssysteme.<br /><br />Z-Wave nutzt in Europa das SRD Frequenzband im Bereich um 868 MHz, in den USA sind es 908,42 MHz." class=“glossaryLink “>z-wave/”>Z-Wave</b> ist ein drahtloser Kommunikations-Standard, welcher von der Firma Sigma Designs und der Z-Wave Alliance für die Hausautomatisierung entwickelt wurde.<br /><br />Z-Wave kann einzelne elektrische Funktionen im haus verbinden wie zum beispiel Licht, Klimaanlage, Heizung sowie Entertainment und Sicherheitssysteme.<br /><br />Z-Wave nutzt in Europa das SRD Frequenzband im Bereich um 868 MHz, in den USA sind es 908,42 MHz.” class="glossaryLink ">Z-wave network configuration don’t save changes
#0001956: Outputs of Satel Intgera alarmsystem cannot be controled anymore via the scene (bloks)
#0002145: Warning satel partition
#0002316: 4.024 If you are going to keep the RAM diagnostic, please explain the meaning of used and free
#0003016: HC2 out of memory after a few hours of operation
#0003034: 4.037 - Memory Utilization Shoots-up with each Backup run
#0001992: FGK-101 with a DS18B20
#0002920: Danfoss sw1.01 doesn’t follow the morning setting of heating panel
#0002575: Universal Binary Sensor (UBS) lacks “sceneActivation”
#0001727: Trying to set parameter on Everspring SP814 Motion detecto
#0002590: Everspring AN145 Bulb Reconfiguration Problem
#0002450: Motion Sensor always engaged
#0003032: Waking up dead nodes.
Device Support:
D-Link DCS-932L
Improved Fibaro Smoke Sensor
We advise:
Reconfiguration of a Satel alarm.
Avoiding local polling interval smaller than 30s. This may cause high network traffic and block communication.
Note that high RAM memory usage indication in the diagnostic interface might not mean that the amount of available memory is low. Excess memory is used to speed up the operation.
Known issues:
Android version of the Fibaro mobile app does not display icons for following devices properly:
- NetAtmo Thermostat
- NetAtmo Weather Station
- Sonos
Global polling interval is set to a fixed value (120s), this may cause a delay in operation of large Z-Wave networks.
Inconsistencies in Satel interface.
Power Mettering may not work properly for some devices
RGBW Controler may not work properly when used in in/out mode
Alarm Panel doesn’t work in some specific configurations
Plugins for TV Sets of various manufacturers may not work with its newes firmware due to restricions provided by new devices firmware. There will be added detalied information about suported firmwave versions within plugins.
Breached sensor with Arm Delay causes instant alarm after being armed
Data range selection in event panel doesn’t work properly
Devices imported via Gateway Connection may have no icons
Gateway Connection status of dead device between master and slave controller may be different
Devices not properly configured on 3.X may not be converted properly
On mobile clients devices may be visible in different categories than configured
Horstmann Thermostat HRT4-ZW higher battery usage in some cases
Doorlocks some functions may not work properly
Ich kann erst einmal keine Nachteile entdecken.
Sichtbare Neuerungen/Bugfixes:
- endlich sind die “Wall Plugs” wieder in der Android App zu sehen…
- die Speicheransicht ist jetzt ausführlicher.